Welcome to China-Hospeq 2019!
Date: August 16-18, 2019
Venue: China National Convention Center (CNCC)
Address: No.7 Tianchen East Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100105, P.R.China (www.cnccchina.com)
Visitors can pre-register online before the exhibition under the “Pre-registration” Section.
Please follow the instructions and finish this online pre-registration step by step. After successfully submitting the online-registration, a confirmation webpage contains your pre-registration ID and QR code will appear. At the same time a confirmation email will be sent to the email address you provided.
Please print out the confirmation webpage or email and bring it to the Pre-registration/Overseas Counter on the exhibition site for quick badge-collection. In case you forgot to bring your confirmation letter, please show your name Card or confirmation ID to the staff at the counter.
Please finish and submit the pre-registration before noon of Aug. 14th 2019.
We provide additional services to help you attend international conferences. Further information will be provided on official website.
For group visiting (over 10 visitors), please contact us directly:
Tel: +86-10-88393836
Email: office@chinahospeq.com